Hello, everybody!
I don't know if you're really out there, but I'm writing to you anyway. I've found it always helps to write to an audience, real or fake as they may be :) So you get to be audience to my journal-like rambling about life-lucky you! ;)
Ok, so random facts about me, just to kick-start this story:
My favorite color is purple. I love purple! Before I moved out of my parents' house they created a room for me, from scratch in the unfinished basement. SUPER neat, 'cause I'd never had my own room before! I got to choose which color the paint would be and -ta-dah!-the Purple Fortress was born!
Random quirk of mine - I name things. Lots of things. My car, my dad's car, all my stuffed animals (I have lots!) my sister's potted tree, all sorts of crazy stuff! I made it into such a habit that my family's started bringing me stuff and asking me to name it! (Hence naming my dad's car and my sister's tree.)
I love to read, ESPECIALLY anything by Stephen King! He is my hero! When I grow up I want to be able to write like Stephen King! He is soooooo good at the scary factor, there have been a couple times AS AN ADULT that his stuff scared me enough to make me sleep with the light on! :D He is amazing. <3
Other stuff about me...let me think...OH, I am in love with the most amazing man on the face of the planet!!! EVER!!!!!!! ^^ Other people may think they are, but HA! fooled you!  I got him anyway! ;) He is so wonderful, so kind, so patient, so loving, so...just the best! We dated for about 6 months, and then he finally proposed just a couple weeks ago-I AM SO INSANELY EXCITED, I JUST CAN'T CONTAIN IT!!!! I want to shout to the whole world how much I love him, how much I want to keep him and make him happy, for the rest of forever, and then some! He is the greatest thing in my life - aside from God and His church- and I am so grateful for him! I am so glad that God saw fit to bring us together, and to let us stay that way <3
I love him, I love him so very much <3 and that will never ever change!


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