For the sake of blogging

Not a lot to report today, but I'm on here and it's been...5 moths since my last post! D:

Right now I'm putting together a portfolio of my floral work, to display at a silent auction tonight. The proceeds go to charity, so I signed up to sell a custom floral arrangement, but now I need to prove that it would be worth their money to bid on it! I'm also hoping to get my name out there a bit more, so that I have more oppritunities to work! I haven't made any profit on any of the things I've done so far, they've all been at-cost for friends and family. That's not a bad thing, and I don't ever expect to make a living off it, but maybe someday it'll make a good side-job to make a little spending money :) Of course, any money I make is likely to go straight to my adorable little girl, (gettiing her clothes and toys and such) but that's ok! She is worth it!

Holy cow, I love her so much! Being a mother is both much harder and much more rewarding than I ever dreamed it would be! Her little smile just warms me up inside, and everything she does makes me so proud! She's 7 months old, and on top of crawling pretty good she's already starting to walk! Today she took another 2 steps all by herself, bringing the running total up to 8!

Another funny fact about my little darling - we took her to the doctor's office a couple of days ago, and I could not stop laughing at her statistics! My husband's family has a history of children being short, but having BIG heads. Turns out our little girl is no exception - she's in the FIFTH percentile for height, and the SIXTY-NINTH percentile for head circumference! Oh dear :)

Anyway, that's all for now. In my nest post, I'll have a picture tutorial for ice cream cake, as taught to me by my mother-in-law. They are SOOOOOOOO good! :D


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