Lots of fun, but crazy :) We picked out and bought my dress last week!(So pretty!) Here's a picture of it. :)
(Picture from the Abella Bridal blog, no copyright infringement intended. You never can be too careful these days :P )
I'll have to post a picture of the dress with the veil some time, it is stunning how well they go together and with the theme! :) My seamstress, who has been doing alterations for decades said she has never seen a veil made out of this kind of material! It's a patterned lace with gorgeous beading around the edges.
OH, that's another thing - I went to my first dress fitting, too! :D I am so excited, the dress looks much better without the shoulders sticking up a couple inches and the hem too long :P :D My mother-in-law-to-be (That's a mouthful, eh? Not as bad as my old school name, though. KGMPA is the ACRONYM! So long!) came with us, and that was great! :D She is just the sweetest thing, and anyone who doesn't get to know her - I am so sorry! You are missing out! She is a great lady! When I talked to my bishop after Kirk and I had been dating a while, the first thing he said was "his mom is a saint." I can't argue with that, not one bit!
Anyway, plans for the reception are coming along nicely, my lovely and talented friend Bonnie has been such a great help! She is PRO, (literally, she gets hired to decorate receptions!) and she is helping us out SOOOOOOOO much! My mom and I are a little clueless about how to do things, but Bonnie is helping us hobble along regardless. ;) We got a theme picked out - antiquey, semi-Victorian...there's a word she used, but I can't remember it! Drat! It's going to be REEEEEEAL neat, though, and I am so pumped! :D
So much to do, and only 2 months and 2 days to do it in! :D I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


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