WOW how the time flies!
I can't wait! Not only do I get to marry this super hot stud man, I get to see a bunch of my old pals, too! :D Some of the people I am most excited to see - Haley and Lisa! I haven't seen Haley in 4 or 5 years, and I haven't seen Lisa in almost 7! Both were good friends in elementary school, and were casualties in the Moving-to-Utah battle :/ But they're coming!!!
Another friend got a mission call today! Going to SINGAPORE!!! How legit is that?!? :D Now I'm going to know a missionary in South Africa, Korea, Japan, Italy, Brazil, Singapore, (My Guatemala missionary got back this month - YAY!) and...Texas, Washington state and Wisconsin.  ;) How exciting! It's great to see these wonderful people go out to serve the Lord and spread the work! WAY TO GO, YOU GUYS!!!! :D

On a less happy note, I got REALLY sick at work today, felt awful and was scared to drive myself home. I made it back alive, though! That's always a perk :)


  1. It's so wonderful to have so many people coming to share in this with you!
    Call me next time you feel so awful at work! :(


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